Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Summer Pictures

Honestly it was hard to narrow it down to just these pictures. Ugh I'm so behind with our summer. But anywho I'll make a short comment with the photos to make this as painless as possible. We've had a lot of fun this summer and it's still not over!

A visit to Grandpa Creamer's house.

Memorial Weekend up in Park City. My whole family went up to the Chateux Hotel up in Deer Valley to spend the night and swim. It was a lot of fun, crowded, but fun!

Of course we hit up the Outlets the next day in Park City. We had two of my nieces Kelsi and Rylee with us and we HAD to buy these sweet shoes for Rylee because they were only 3 dollars, Mom and Dad were not as excited.

Aaron and I at the Chateux again actually, rooms in the off season were only 80 bucks so surprise to me I thought we were just going to dinner in Park City, but no. He arranged the whole thing with my parents to watch the kids and somehow packed and snuck my bag into the car with everything I needed... including my pump for Lincoln, thank heavens he was a thinker!!
Just your typical bath time but Tatton got more than he bargained for poking Lincoln's belly button.

Tatton's sweet scooter. The helmet and elbow pads were completely necessary.

He loves his helmet and wears it around the house constantly which has been beneficial.

My working conditions... no wonder dinner is so very difficult to make!

Little Lincoln is slowling growing out of his straight jacket and wedges. This is what he looks like in the morning. I think he might be ready to move one without them.

Our Fourth of July Festivities. We had Aaron's family over for a bbq, and Aaron couldn't resist putting fireworks in the cake. The kids thought it was pretty cool.

Lincoln is just growing up! It seems like it's going by so much faster since my time is juggled between taking care of and managing Tatton, and trying to play and spend time with Lincoln. I'm so glad he's just a happy baby that goes along with his silly big brother!

Tatton and Lincoln's Sunday Fourth of July outfits. I thought they were pretty cute, Aaron thinks they are girly vests, oh well. Either way they're still cute boys.

This was on Saturday July 3rd. We went to Morgan's Freedom Celebration instead of the traditional Liberty Days. It's hard to break a tradition but since we live in Morgan, we figured we might as well start participating in Morgan activities. We went to the breakfast, Tatton played games and climbed in a big air castle, and went to the booths and watched the parade! Good times

My cute little Mom and Dad

I knew it was going to happen eventually. Tatton is feeding his baby just like Mommy...

Lincoln is finally sitting up a lot better in his Bumbo chair, although this picture doesn't do him justice.

All of us at a Raptors Game with Natalie and Sheldon. We had a lot of fun at the old ball game.

As previously mentioned, our friends Natalie and Sheldon.

This is one of our nephews Christian who had a sleepover with Tatton. Tatton was in heaven to have someone more his age just play with him and jump in the pool with!

Me and Lincoln, watching Christian and Tatton play... comfortably in the shade.

Tatton's favorite thing to do at Fat Cats: take a ride on Nemo.


Lauren Tatton said...

Looks like you have had a ton of fun! I love the cute pool!